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Eolian Tomcini

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    Seeq Beginner

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  1. Thank you John, I didn't know about seeq.js lib. At the moment I have no error even though the data still does not appear. Anyway, I will have to check the code a bit to make sure I haven't made any mistakes. Thank you once again!
  2. Thanks for the reply John. Now I'm having another problem like the one above, but this time it's for getSeeqApi. ReferenceError: getSeeqApi is not defined Thank you!
  3. Hello everyone! I am building the front-end for an add-on within the Seeq Data Lab environment. I am trying to call the api endpoint declared in the Jupyter Notebook tab: '# GET /loops' via JavaScript using key functions within the Plugin API of Seeq Data Lab. In the following code snippet: api.getDataLabProject(projectName) .then((projectResponse) => { if (!projectResponse) { throw new Error(`No response received when fetching project: ${projectName}`); } const projectId = projectResponse.projectId; if (!projectId) { throw new Error(`Project with name "${projectName}" not found.`); } // Step 2: Call the Data Lab API using the retrieved project ID return api.callDataLabApi({ projectId: projectId, notebookName: notebookName, path: apiPath, method: 'GET', // or 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', etc. headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', } }); }) I'm having an error about api in api.getDataLabProject, in browser's developer console, console it shows: ReferenceError: api is not defined From the info I could find this is a part of Plugin API lib of Seeq and if I am in Seeq Data Lab environment by default it is a known library. Is info I got right or 'api' is just a custom object? Can someone help me with this issue? Thanks!
  4. Hello all! I'm new in Seeq Data Lab and I really need help. I am trying to create a front end for an add-on created in python. Currently, I am getting the data from a csv file (it is located inside the data lab), these data are processed by different python functions (called in Jupyter tabs) and the results come out. What I want to do is: Create API endpoints for each result and call these endpoints through JavaScript to display them in an html file ex. index.html. I have tried to do this using Jupyter kernel gateway but without success as the web page comes out white. When I open the developer tools browser and search for errors in the console, there is no difference, even in the network tab, nothing is displayed. When I try to access the API endpoint through the terminal with 'curl' ex. 'curl' the data is displayed, but not on the web page. Maybe someone can help me how to solve this problem or in any other way which works to display the processed data coming from the python back-end to show it in JavaScript, html front-end. To clarify, everything (files, libraries, etc) is located within the Seeq Data Lab environment. Thank you!
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