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Make constant signal jump after certain timestamp

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I have a constant signal of 0.002, I made it using the formula functionality. I need it to jump to 0.004 after a certain time-stamp. (28-5-2024 11:00).

How can I do this?  I would prefer not to use capsules.

The logic would look something like

if (time < time-stamp){

return 0.002


return 0.004


But I cannot get anything of this functionality to work.

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Posted (edited)

Hello Chris, 

you could try this:

signal(InterpolationMethod.Step, 1d, sample('2020-01-01T00:00:00Z', 0.002), sample('2024-01-01T00:00:00Z', 0.004)).resampleHold(10y, 1d)

This will create a signal based on the two timestamps. By using resampleHold() it will resample the signal to have one value each day and holding the last value for the amount of time you specified. In my example 10years. The duration must be at least the distance between the two datapoints, otherwise you will have a gap in your signal.


If you do not want to have values in the future you can extend the formula by adding .within(past()) at the end.



Edited by Thorsten Vogt
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