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Export Calculation Hierarchy from Workbench

Go to solution Solved by Thorsten Vogt,

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Hello Matt,

Can you elaborate a little bit more on what you would like the final hierarchy to be? e.g. (A hierarchal display of an asset tree).


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I may have used "Asset Tree" incorrectly.  I think I meant to say, asset group. 

For an asset group, I would like to export the underlying items for each column/calculated item.

For example,  in an asset group,  asset 1 column A may be a tag that is a sum of other tags. Is there a way to export these underlying items?

You can view these underlying items when clicking on the Calculation hierarchy but its not as feasible if the asset group is large with many columns.  





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Hi Matt,

only way I know currently is using the API, which can be called from SDL. As an example I created the following Asset Group:

The following script extracts the data from the Asset Group. It needs the ID of the root element, which you can get from within Workbench, and iterates over the underlying items:

import seeq.sdk as sdk

treesApi = sdk.TreesApi(spy.client)
itemsApi = sdk.ItemsApi(spy.client)  
parent_id = '0EF3492F-A4CE-EE30-BBD7-361933D678D8'
tree = treesApi.get_tree(id=parent_id)

for child in tree.children:
    print(f'Items for {child.name}')
    tree = treesApi.get_tree(id=child.id)
    for child in tree.children:
        print(f'Name: {child.name}')
        formulaProperty = [x for x in child.properties if x.name == 'Formula'][0]
        print(f'Formula: {formulaProperty.value}')
        dependency = itemsApi.get_formula_dependencies(id=child.id)
        formula_params = {}
        for parameter in child.parameters:
            formula_params[parameter.item.id] = parameter.name
        for d in dependency.dependencies:
            text = d.name
            if d.id in formula_params.keys():
                text = text + f' => ${formula_params[d.id]}'
            for parameter in d.parameter_of:
                text = text + f' ({parameter.name})'
            print (text)

Output looks like this:

Items for First Asset

Name: Cold
Formula: $t < 70
Temperature => $t (Cold)
Area A_Temperature (Temperature)
Name: Events per Day
Formula: ($hot or $cold).aggregate(count(), days('CET'), durationKey())
Hot => $hot (Events per Day)
Cold => $cold (Events per Day)
Temperature (Hot) (Cold)
Area A_Temperature (Temperature)
Name: Hot
Formula: ($t > 90).merge(20min, true) 
Temperature => $t (Hot)
Area A_Temperature (Temperature)
Name: Rate of Change
Formula: $t.agileFilter(20min).derivative('h')
Temperature => $t (Rate of Change)
Area A_Temperature (Temperature)
Name: Temperature
Formula: $signal
Area A_Temperature => $signal (Temperature)

Items for Second Asset

Name: Cold
Formula: $t < 70
Temperature => $t (Cold)
Area B_Temperature (Temperature)
Name: Events per Day
Formula: ($hot or $cold).aggregate(count(), days('CET'), durationKey())
Hot => $hot (Events per Day)
Cold => $cold (Events per Day)
Temperature (Hot) (Cold)
Area B_Temperature (Temperature)
Name: Hot
Formula: ($t > 90).merge(20min, true) 
Temperature => $t (Hot)
Area B_Temperature (Temperature)
Name: Rate of Change
Formula: $t.agileFilter(20min).derivative('h')
Temperature => $t (Rate of Change)
Area B_Temperature (Temperature)
Name: Temperature
Formula: $signal
Area B_Temperature => $signal (Temperature)

Items for Third Asset

Name: Cold
Formula: $t < 70
Temperature => $t (Cold)
Area C_Temperature (Temperature)
Name: Events per Day
Formula: ($hot or $cold).aggregate(count(), days('CET'), durationKey())
Hot => $hot (Events per Day)
Cold => $cold (Events per Day)
Temperature (Hot) (Cold)
Area C_Temperature (Temperature)
Name: Hot
Formula: ($t > 90).merge(20min, true) 
Temperature => $t (Hot)
Area C_Temperature (Temperature)
Name: Rate of Change
Formula: $t.agileFilter(20min).derivative('h')
Temperature => $t (Rate of Change)
Area C_Temperature (Temperature)
Name: Temperature
Formula: $signal
Area C_Temperature => $signal (Temperature)

It displays the formula for each element and the variables assigned to it. In this example Area A_Temperature is included in Temperature, which is part of "Hot" and "Cold". "Hot" and "Cold" are assigned the vairables $hot and $cold and part of the formula of "Events per Day":

Name: Events per Day
Formula: ($hot or $cold).aggregate(count(), days('CET'), durationKey())
Hot => $hot (Events per Day)
Cold => $cold (Events per Day)
Temperature (Hot) (Cold)
Area A_Temperature (Temperature)

Hope this helps.





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