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Adding formula to asset tree in Data Lab

Go to solution Solved by Dan FR,

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I am trying to add the following formula via Data Lab into an existing asset tree.



$deviceComBad = $c ~= "Fault"
$deviceComGood = $c ~= "Normal"
$deviceInOperation = $deviceComBad.union($deviceComGood)
$PIDataUnknown = $deviceInOperation.inverse()

$PIDataUnknownDuration = $PIDataUnknown.setMaximumDuration(40d).aggregate(totalDuration("s"), weeks(Day.Sunday), middleKey(), 0s)

(($PIDataUnknownDuration / 7d) * 100).setUnits('%')


Asset tree structure: 



This is my data lab entry that keeps failing:


my_tree.insert(name='% Availability Weekly',
               formula='$deviceComBad = $c ~= "Fault"',
                        $deviceComGood = $c ~= "Normal"
                        $deviceInOperation = $deviceComBad.union($deviceComGood)
                        $PIDataUnknown = $deviceInOperation.inverse()
                        $PIDataUnknownDuration = $PIDataUnknown.setMaximumDuration(40d).aggregate(totalDuration("s"), weeks(Day.Sunday), middleKey(), 0s)
                        (($PIDataUnknownDuration / 7d) * 100).setUnits('%') 
               formula_parameters={'$c': 'ConnectionStatus'},



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Posted (edited)

Hi JRan,  

It looks like the issue is with your string quotations in the formula argument, which are only capturing the first line of your formula.  Try using syntax for a multiline formula string with triple quotes:

my_tree.insert(name='% Availability Weekly',
               formula='''$deviceComBad = $c ~= "Fault"
                        $deviceComGood = $c ~= "Normal"
                        $deviceInOperation = $deviceComBad.union($deviceComGood)
                        $PIDataUnknown = $deviceInOperation.inverse()
                        $PIDataUnknownDuration = $PIDataUnknown.setMaximumDuration(40d).aggregate(totalDuration("s"), weeks(Day.Sunday), middleKey(), 0s)
                        (($PIDataUnknownDuration / 7d) * 100).setUnits('%')''',
               formula_parameters={'$c': 'ConnectionStatus'},

Alternatively, it may be cleaner to save your formula string as a variable and then pass this variable into my_tree.insert()

Edited by Dan FR
a comma
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