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Building a condition based on one signal for start and an other signal to end.

Go to solution Solved by John Brezovec,

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  • Seeq Team

Hello Aymen,

You can use the Join option of the composite condition and by excluding the second condition to achieve this.

Let me know if this works for you.


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Hi Selmane and thanks for your feedback :).

Unfortunately in this specific case it won’t work because my first signal can give me 2 capsules before I reached the end condition from my first capsule.

It will be easier to create the condition via a formula i believe.

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  • Seeq Team
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When using join, the useEarliestStart argument can be used to control the behavior when there are multiple start capsules before you see an end capsule. Setting to true will result in the longest possible capsule, while setting to false will result in the shortest possible capsule. This option is present in the Composite Condition tool in newer versions of Seeq:


This can also be specified when using formula: $conditionA.join($conditionB, 10s, true)

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