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Asset Tree from CSV with Different Branch Lengths

Go to solution Solved by John Brezovec,

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  • Seeq Team

I want to build an asset tree from a csv using spy.assets.Tree(), but I need branches of different lengths. For instance I want to build the following tree:

My Equipment
├── Cooling Tower
│   ├── Area A
│   │   ├── Temperature
│   │   └── Relative Humidity
│   └── Area B
│       ├── Temperature
│       └── Relative Humidity
└── Furnace
    └── Temperature

Notice how the Temperature signal is at a different level for my Furnace compared to my Cooling Tower areas. I've tried to do this with the following csv:

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Name Friendly Name
My Equipment Cooling Tower Area A Area A_Temperature Temperature
      Area A_Relative Humidity Relative Humidity
    Area B Area B_Temperature Temperature
      Area B_Relative Humidity Relative Humidity
  Furnace   Furnace_Temperature Temperature

But it creates an additional 'Area B' under my Furnace asset currently.

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  • Seeq Team
  • Solution

You can specify NAN for the levels you don't want to generate. Using a csv like the following will let you generate a tree with uneven branch lengths:

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Name Friendly Name
My Equipment Cooling Tower Area A Area A_Temperature Temperature
      Area A_Relative   Humidity Relative Humidity
    Area B Area B_Temperature Temperature
      Area B_Relative   Humidity Relative Humidity
  Furnace NAN Furnace_Temperature Temperature

Note the usage of NAN for Level 3 of my Furnace Temperature -- this will cause SPy to insert the Furnace Temperature at the path 'My Equipment >> Furnace' instead of 'My Equipment >> Furnace >> Area A'

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