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How can I ignore incompatible units in Seeq Formula?

Go to solution Solved by John Cox,

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  • Seeq Team

In some situations I do not want to enforce units of measure consistency in Seeq Formula calculations, or I simply want to do a series of unit conversions myself in a simplified way.

How can I make my formula work as intended when units are not consistent and I still want to calculate the formula as is, because I've verified that it gives the results I need?

For example, I want to calculate the Reynolds Number (=ρ*u*L/μ), a dimensionless quantity that helps predict fluid flow patterns, which is a function of 4 variables. I would prefer to check the units myself and leave them out of the formula:

ρ = density (lbm /ft3 )

u = velocity based on the actual cross section area of the duct or pipe (ft/s)

μ = dynamic viscosity (lbm /s ft)

L = characteristic length (ft)

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  • Seeq Team
  • Solution

You can use $signal.setUnits('') on each of the inputs in the Formula. This will remove the units on each signal to prevent Seeq from trying to ensure unit consistency. For example:



Note: you can use .setUnits() again at the end of a Formula calculation if you want to force a unit for the output. Also, .setUnits() can be valuable to assign units to a unitless signal in Seeq or to overwrite incorrect units.

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