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Set date range on Dashboard based on selected asset

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I have assets that contain a couple of signals and conditions.  One of the conditions has a single capsule that spans all of the timestamps in the signals.  The reason for this is that my users will generally want to see the entire data set (which is relatively small) and then zoom in on interesting time spans.  I created a workbench analysis that produces a control chart using the signals and conditions in the asset.  Then, I use this control chart in a Dashboard.  When I select a different Asset Selection in the dashboard, it loads the correct signals and updates the graph, but I would also like to have the displayed time span enclose the single-capsule condition that I mentioned previously.  I don't see a way to do this.  This seems pretty desirable.  Am I missing something? 

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I figured it out.  I had previously looked at the Date Ranges on the Dashboard, but wasn't seeing the single capsule in my condition.  This was because the date span in that dialog was being applied. to the capsules.  Once I widened that range, I was able to select my capsule and have it applied to the graph. 

This seems rather clunky.  I'd like this dashboard to automatically enclose the signal span without me having to select the condition.  Is this possible?

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