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Combining discrete signal


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I have 3 different signal



the goal is to take the data on each shift, the maximum value

I want to have a discrete value on each signal

I tried to use this

$s1 = shifts(0, 8, "Asia/Bangkok").move(7h)
$s2 = shifts(0, 8, "Asia/Bangkok").move(15h)
$s3 = shifts(0, 8, "Asia/Bangkok").move(23h)

$ss = $s1.combinewith($s2).combinewith($s3)

$trs = (Certain product stamp that are pre defined based on set points)

//data shift 1
$a = $p35e4.within($trs).within($s1)
$TSHShift1 = $a.aggregate(maxValue(), $ss, middleKey(), 40h)

$b = $p35e3.within($trs).within($s2)
$TSHShift2 = $b.aggregate(maxValue(), $ss, middleKey(), 40h)

$c= $p35e2.within($trs).within($s3)
$TSHShift3= $c.aggregate(maxValue(), $ss,middleKey(), 40h)

$TSHShift1 +  $TSHShift2 + $TSHShift3


but a warning always appear no value


I want in 1 line, all the shift 1, shift 2, and shift 3 output appears side by side in 1 signal


can somebody help?




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